Mischa Dalcerri
How would you describe your 12 week experience? From the assessment to your last monthly consult.
The 12-week foundations program was a perfect fit for me. Coach spent time assessing my current state, and build a program that was tailored to my abilities. Through the app, we were able to communicate regularly, and the feedback that I provided each work out was 'heard' and adjustments were made when necessary. The monthly consults were a great opportunity to virtually connect and spend some focused time reviewing progress, adjusting goals and answering questions.
What was the best part about having your own Coach?
Accountability. I went in VERY doubtful that I would finish all 12-weeks (after all, I had been a faithful subscriber to every online fitness platform, EVER...and never stuck through a full program). Having the feedback loop and communication whenever needed was very motivating.
What was the hardest part during your 12 weeks?
Getting the work in on the holidays! I started the week before Thanksgiving, but didn't miss a single workout through the holiday season!
Would you recommend REGENERATE Strength's 12 Week Foundations Program?
I would highly recommend the foundations program - all ages and all abilities! The personalization of the program and the motivation and accountability of having a Coach is so worth it!