What drew you to Regenerate Strength? Why were we different?
I was drawn to Regenerate Strength because I have been lifting/working out for years, but felt like I was not hitting my personal goals. I have been creating my own workouts for a long time and felt like I needed a change in my routine and someone who could more easily guide me toward my goals.
Regenerate Strength is different because they take into account everything in your life, in and outside of the gym, which is the most important part! We spend most of our time out of the gym, so all those lifestyle factors play a part in what goes on inside the gym and may be impacting how well we reach your goals or not. So I appreciate the whole person approach, the daily and monthly check-ins.
How would you describe your experience with individualized program design and what it’s like to have your own coach?
I like that I can see my workouts for the week and be mentally prepared for them. I also like that I can workout whenever I want. I’m not hindered by a certain time I’m supposed to meet a trainer or only limited to one hour. I can do my workout on my time and reach my goals!
Why would you recommend Regenerate Strength?
Regenerate Strength is so individual-based, Coach Dave meets you where you’re at, taking into account your personal goals, lifestyle and physiology. He designs a workout that works for you, your body and your scheudle. It’s perfectly tailored to me and getting me to my personal goals. In the intake he asks a lot of questions to understand the meaning behind your goals so that he can better serve you. I know that I can trust Coach Dave to help me through things in and out of the gym and still be self-disciplined, which is how I work best.